The Untold Story Of Postgraduate Medical Education In India

Quality of post graduation medical education in India needs to reviewed to improve the quality of life of doctors and patient care.

The Dichotomy of “Bolna”: A Case For Adult Sex Education

Discover why adult sex education in India is crucial for breaking taboos and enhancing reproductive health awareness among adolescents.

What can 5000 crore rupees do?

In India a farmer dies of suicide every hour due to debt.

A Brick a Day Does Not Keep the Doctor Away: Occupational Health of Migrant Workers in India’s Brick Industry

India aims to provide affordable and accessible healthcare to every citizen. Are migrant workers a part of this ambitious dream?

Beyond The Stigma: Honoring My Father's Life With HIV

The stigma associated with HIV impacts not just the person suffering but also their family.

Why The Kolkata Hospital Crime Could Be The Story Of Any Healthcare Worker

This article explores the widespread prevalence of violence against women in the healthcare sector and argues that the Kolkata hospital crime could have been the story of any woman healthcare worker.

The Pathophysiology Of Declining Medical Education In India

Medical education forms the core of any health system. To improve quality of service delivery, India needs to revisit its model of medical education.

How To Treat A Disease That Has No Cure

Is the role of a doctor only to cure diseases?

An Open Door Blocking Access to Healthcare

India aims to achieve universal access to healthcare by 2030. What challenges lie in the way?

The Scales of Health are Tilted in India

As artificial intelligence revolutionizes the delivery of healthcare services it is important to acknowledge the root of cause of diseases in order to improve health of people.

Will Yatras Solve India’s Problems?

India has witnessed multiple yatras with political intentions over the past months. How is Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra different?