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Navigating Fibromyalgia's Puzzle: Beyond the Pain

This poem deals with the author's experience of living with fibromyalgia - the barriers to diagnosis. the misinformation, misunderstandings among peers and loved ones, and her journey towards accepting her "new normal".

Chronic pain, a known disease,
Fibromyalgia, more than it seems,
A syndrome of countless whispers,
Decoding its tangled dreams.

Pain, a shape-shifter, hide-and-seek,
Changing spots, every day unique.
Today it's here, tomorrow there,
New challenges; everywhere.

It's real, not just in the mind,
Physical pain, hard to find.
Not just pain, but chronic fatigue,
A heavy blanket, energy's league.

"Lazy," they say, "so dull,"
But the battle's hidden, invisible.
Brain fog, a mist, thoughts stray,
Lost in a haze, every day.

Focus, memory, taking leave,
Struggling with words, hard to believe.
"No pain today, why can’t you read?"
Doubt creeps in, like a weed.

Smile on a good day, can I?
Will they believe, or question why?
"How is she happy with all this strife?"
Fibromyalgia, an unseen life.

Anxiety joins, uninvited guests,
Pain disrupts sleep, robbing rest.
Exhaustion deepens, depression calls,
In this cycle, who knows what falls?

Dizziness, tingling, restless legs,
Bruising, stomach aches, headache begs.
Invisible cloak, juggling woes,
Even doctors find it hard to diagnose.

A cryptic code, hard to discern,
Years to learn, and still, I yearn.
Empathy, a lesson, hard to find,
For others and self, intertwined.

When tales of pain and tiredness share,
Know it's not just wear and tear.
Fibromyalgia paints a different scene,
Support and listen, unseen.

Beneath the surface, challenges lie,
Complex and hidden, but don't deny.
Understanding is the key,
To believe in their reality.


Note: This poem is written with the help of CHATGPT however the ideas and experiences belong to the author.

Edited by Christianez Ratna Kiruba.

Image by Janvi Bokoliya.

Parul Raina

Parul Raina is a writer, anesthetist and  a budding pain and palliative physician. She has been  living with fibromyalgia since past 10 years. Being a doctor and living with chronic pain, she realised the lack of awareness and stigma around chronic pain and mental health even in the medical field. She wants to open up about her struggles in order to advocate for the awareness of chronic pain.