Why Over-The-Counter Emergency Contraceptives Must Stay

The possible ban on over-the-counter emergency contraceptives lacks scientific justification.

Can Investment In Public Health Improve Health In India?

Public spending on health leads to better health outcomes in the population.

Will Caste Sub-Categorization Be An Instrument Of Inclusion Or Exclusion?

Members of SASLN discuss the Supreme Court’s decision to sub-categorize caste.

Beyond pills: Envisioning inclusive mental health for all

In India, mental healthcare is highly inaccessible to almost 70% of the population economically. That, combined with the focus of modern psychiatry on Western culture and pills leaves Indian people significantly underserved as their unique cultural contexts and existing systems of oppression go unaddressed. Here is how we can reimagine a model of mental health accessible to all.

Open Letter In Solidarity With Researchers Being Prosecuted By Vaccine Manufacturer

Scientific community comes together to support and promote ethical scientific dialogue in India.

The Government Should Put Money Where The Public’s Mind Is

Is India's interim health budget in line with what the people want and need?

The Real NEET Scam: Is India's Medical Exam Failing Healthcare Needs?

It is truly amusing that a country with a dire need of working doctors in rural areas has designed a system that would produce people who will not be able to fulfill that need.

Can Universal Basic Income Become A Reality In India?

Universal basic income is known to reduce poverty and income inequality. Does India have the infrastructure to implement this strategy?

Why Is Anemia Not Reducing In India?

India has significantly invested in reducing the burden of anemia. Why is it still rising?

Empowering Medical Education Through Gender Integration: A Personal Journey

In this personal narrative, the author explores the beneficial effects of undergoing gender sensitivity training in her daily practice of medicine and her role as a teacher, shaping the minds of medical students.

Violence Against Women In India: Treat The Disease And Not The Symptom

This article talks about how violence against women is highly prevalent in society as well as in the healthcare sector and discusses ways to deal with the disease and not just the symptom.

Does Poverty Alone Explain Unending Child Labour in India?

Poverty is not the only reason why child labour still plagues India.